This spring transform your life in the
Life Design Group Program
The Unique, Step-by-Step Process for
Busy Women
to get the
Joy they want out of Life

with Certified Life Design Coaches
Amanda Coburn
Dina Crawford

Alexa H
"I was able to find the power within to lead the life I wanted."
Life design came at a crucial time in my life. I was at a crossroads.
Through the coaching process I was able to find the power within to lead the life I wanted. It gave me the courage to do what I truly love and the changes it’s made in my life are indescribable.
I feel at peace and inspired. I’ve begun the defining journey of my life.
Do you sometimes wonder whose life you’re living?
Are you a busy woman struggling to balance your
“obligations” with your aspirations?
Go from juggling too many balls--an existence that feels barely in control (and ultimately unsatisfying) to...
A deeply fulfilling, purposeful, wholehearted life
aligned with your authentic desires.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results.
Waiting for things to change on their own will not transform your life.
The Life Design Program will!
Does this sound familiar?
It feels like Mercury is always in retrograde...
You are exhausted trying to live up to someone else’s expectations and outdated definitions of success.
You are tired of the monotony of day to day life but feel stuck in place.
You feel like everyone else’s needs come first and there’s no time for you.
You in a transition and feel a lack of direction.
You are so crazy busy you could just cry (and do...)
There is an uncomfortable disconnect between your social media “perfect” life and your real life?
Are you ready to make yourself a priority?
Don't just take our word for it...
"The range of what I believed possible for my life was unlocked and became infinite."

I expected to get my life together and set some lofty goals. What I received was beyond what I could have conceived of in any coaching program – and that is exactly the miracle of Life Design. The range of what I believed possible for my life was unlocked and became infinite.
Lifelong difficulties that I had brought to several other programs and spiritual practices became surmountable. I lost 15 pounds, developed a yoga and meditation practice and virtually eradicated my migraines.
Suzanne J.
Musical Director and Conductor
Since starting Life Design, I left my full-time job of 5 years, began my freelance career and have worked all over the country at the major companies I only dreamt of working at 20 years from now. The major life goals I have achieved have been achieved in tandem with a complete transformation of my mind and heart and I attribute that to the amazing coaching I received in this wonderful program.

Dina Crawford, MHA, CLDC
I wish I’d had Life Design when I was in my thirties so I would have realized that I didn’t have to put myself “on hold” until my fifties. By then I’d struggled through 20 more years of work and relationship stress, physical illness and just getting by.
After a divorce, a failed business and returning to a career I had no passion for, I was burnt out and wondering if I was ever going to live out the things I dreamed of. I longed for a lifestyle that included plenty of time for everything I love including creativity and travel. And, I knew I wanted to shift to a career that would fulfill the deepest desire of my soul to share inspiration and be of service.
Finally, I took the leap and quit my job not knowing what was next for me.
That wasn't easy either! I was paralyzed with uncertainty about what to do. I feared that if I didn't figure it out I would have to go back to the soul-sucking job I had escaped.
Along came the opportunity to participate in Life Design. It was game changer!
Though I had been a self-help junkie and spiritual seeker for many years, Life Design accelerated my growth process and got me in action where I’d previously felt stuck. I gained the clarity and confidence I needed to propel me into the making the most of my gifts and creating a deeply fulfilling and joyful life that truly reflects what is most important to me.
I love everything I do from being the founding president of a non-profit, to community theater and much more!
When I found out I could become a Life Design coach myself, I didn’t hesitate for a minute. Witnessing the transformations we see everyday in the lives of our clients is an unparalleled joy!

Amanda Coburn, MSW, LICSW, CLDC
In my 30’s I was anxious and depressed. My life looked “perfect”. I was successful by most traditional standards: I had a college degree, good job that provided for all my needs, was well-known and respected in my career as a mental health social worker, had financially stability, owned my own home, and had a solid group of friends.
My internal experience was so different. I was stuck in an “identity crisis”. I had spent years cultivating an identity based on the expectations of others. I was a perfectionist, ridiculously responsible, serious, fiscally frugal and always working to present an image of togetherness so no one would see the real me.
It was exhausting! My protective identity was being a Shy, Old Soul, Socially Inept, Introvert. Doesn’t that sound fun!
I participated in Life Design for the first time in my mid-30s. How eye opening!I saw how small my life had become and that I longed for so much more.
Life Design offers a powerful structure to uncover the way you have been living and identify what is getting in the way of feeling just great about your life.
How profound when I realized I was holding onto the shy, old soul, socially inept, introvert identity with pride! Why did I want to be that?! I’ve since let go of beliefs and identities that no longer serve me.
As a result, I have experienced so much more of life’s infinite opportunities. I feel lighthearted and youthful. People comment, “You’re funny!” Who knew?! I feel at peace and experience deep, genuine connections with those around me. Life feels brilliant!
And, look at me… I’m a Life Design Coach, passionate about sharing the transformation I experienced with others.
We did!
(eventually )
What will your story be?
Don't wait to get started on your
Best Life!
After completing the Life Design Program you will:
Be connected to your internal guidance system in a way that makes your life flow effortlessly
Be clear on who you are here to be in life
Live authentically and wholeheartedly
Have a proven system to keep your life on track
Operate at a higher level of satisfaction
Have a deeper, more fulfilling experience of life
Enjoy more satisfying relationships
Feel inspired and be inspiring to those around you
Belong to an uplifting community of like-minded people
Be in action creating the life you have always dreamed about

The Life Design Group Program
3-month LIVE INTERACTIVE group coaching program
16 hours (8 two-hour Zoom sessions) of teaching, guidance and coaching.
A proven step-by-step system for transformation
Session 1: Assessing your Life--you can’t change what you don’t see
Session 2: Getting Clear on What’s Important to You
Session 3: Declaring your Mission
Session 4: Focusing on Consciousness
Session 5: Designing an Empowering Vision
Session 6: Setting Goals and Getting into Action
Session 7: Elevating your Experience
Session 8: Creating a Compelling Future
Two experienced Certified Life Design Coaches to walk you through the program. (That’s two for the price of one!)
Weekly calls (1 hour) with your personal peer accountability team to keep you on track
Comprehensive Life Design Workbook in digital format.
Support from your coaches by phone or email for the duration of the course.

Program Dates
What You Get!
Comprehensive Workbook to assess where you are now and create the fabulous vision of your future!
TWO Brilliant and Experienced Coaches
to teach, guide and
support you!

16 hours of LIVE INTERACTIVE community sessions
on Zoom where you learn, grow, laugh and
are supported in achieving your goals.
Join us in the Life Design Group Program!
The Life Design Program is valued at $2497 but you will pay nowhere near that because we want this to be an easy yes for you to start designing the life you want.
That’s why the Life Design Group Program is available for a limited time at this special rate!
If you enroll by September 5, you will pay only $750!
If you are ready to invest in yourself...

More from our extraordinary clients!

"Writing my own mission statement and deeply feeling the truth of those words whenever I say them is so empowering."
Cheryl R.
Health Professional, Reiki Master, Artist
I loved the way the course took me through the stages of determining what is truly most important to me. Writing my own mission statement and deeply feeling the truth of those words whenever I say them is so empowering.
I now have a much higher appreciation for where I actually am in life. I am living in the spirit of my core values, and the goals that I determined for the next few years have a much gentler tone to them. I learned that the process, the journey, is as important as the end result.
I also loved the multi-generational aspect of the program. Learning Life Design with people half my age was so eye opening, seeing this process unfold for younger people with specific goals was exciting. The sense of community and support for each other during our classes and calls was so inspiring.
Life Design is truly a valuable program, I am so happy and proud of myself for taking the course.
"I can’t say enough about how life changing this program was with Amanda and Dina as coaches."

Leslie B.
Psychiatric Social Worker
When I took a leap of faith and signed up for Life Design I didn’t know what to expect. I was a recent single mom going through a separation and working full time. Throughout the Life Design program I gained perspective, focus, a commitment to my goals and overall a better sense of well being.
Amanda and Dina were amazing in guiding, asking the right questions and supporting us at all times, even if we needed individual consults. The women I met through the program were amazing and I learned so much from them.
I can proudly say, I am still in touch with them and that their support also helped me achieve the goals I had set. I was invested and did the work but along the way things also “ fell into my lap” and I truly believe it was the energy and momentum of the program that had a part in it. I can’t say enough about how life changing this program was with Amanda and Dina as coaches.

"Things that I thought were impossible, simply are not. I live a life filled with joy and I couldn’t be more grateful. "
Maria R.
Stay at Home Mom and
CEO and Founder of Meals with Maria
When I started life design I was struggling to balance family and work life. I felt trapped in my career and I feared I was missing out on the most valuable years of my kids lives.
Life design helped me to narrow down my top values and create a life that aligns with them. I am now at home with my children, we spend more time with family than ever before, my relationships are strong, and I am able to pursue my creative passions. Because of life design I am able to break down contexts and make decisions based on my values. Things that I thought were impossible, simply are not. I live a life filled with joy and I couldn’t be more grateful.

"How liberating it was to discover and let go of unreasonable and unnecessary expectations and to embrace with joy what I already had!"
Rae M.
Wellness Spa Owner and Energy Healer
I highly recommend Life Design with Dina and Amanda. They are so organized, caring and supportive, you can’t help but succeed!
The outcome for me was far greater than I expected!
I had been interested in the Life Design program for a while but didn’t fully understand the depth of it when I signed up. I went into it with a goal in mind but after completing a little more than half the program it became clear to me what I was really seeking. How liberating it was to discover and let go of unreasonable and unnecessary expectations and to embrace with joy what I already had!
You'll be so happy you did!